Sunday, December 21, 2008

Peek A BOO

Playing peek in the mirror is so much fun. Some are asking for more here they are!

Views from our window - STORMS!!!

The storms are coming every other day....SO BEAUTIFUL... Love that we don't have to go ANYWHERE IF we don't want to.:) It's sleeting as I'm writing this....

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The SIZE of Jeans!!!

I was hanging up the clothes and thought this was so cute... There's Keith's (Papa's) jeans and little John's jeans - how things come around...I remember hanging jeans for the boys not too long ago..Ha. Yes, John's jeans look pretty long...he's about 28 1/2 inches long.

Annual Dinner with Friends- Dec.9th 2008

Harry, Karen, Tom, Loraine, Keith and I decided several years ago to get tog. around Christmas and have a dinner tog. It's so much fun to get tog. and look forward to the "travels" in our RV's for the next year. Keith made turkey steak, "his" wonderful brussel sprouts, and garlic noodles. Karen brought warm rolls.mmm Loraine made a DARK choc. cake with DARK choc. favorite!!!
We're so blessed to have GREAT FRIENDS!!!