Tuesday, April 6, 2010

March 29 to April 5, 2010 - Medina Lake, TX

Thurs. looked like a really nice weather day so we drove to San Antonio to tour the Alamo.
We were so very impressed with the town. It was so beautiful, clean, easy to get around.
The first thing we did after we parked was spend time walking the grounds and taking photos outside as we were not allow to use the camera inside. I took so many photos but AGAIN had to choose just these few...sure hope it inspires some to take the time to stop and see the Alamo .... and the River Walk!

Just across the street from the Alamo ..and down a few steps is the River Walk.... Keith and I were told by EVERYONE...you must do the River Walk. We had NO IDEA how great that would be. The water falls were so impressive. It has such a calming, cooling affect on a hot day.

You follow the water thru the buildings and out into the "canal" area.

Here is one of the dozens of boats waiting to take passengers on the 35 min. tour around the town.
After we had lunch, we found a place to buy our tickets....and we relaxed in the sun on the boat. I just LOVED IT!

Driving into Medina Lake Thousand Trails we were in awe of the roads that seemed to go on and on. The trees were blooming more and more as the week went on.

We were driving down to the lake to look for a site when Keith realized that our friend Jack was trying to catch us on his bike. There was a spot right next to them and he wanted to escort us there.:)

That's Jack and Diane's 5th Wheel to the left. They have been here for 2 weeks and would be leaving the same day as we would.

Everyone told us about the MANY deer here. First thing in the morning they come out from everywhere. Some will eat right out of your hand. They came to our place again in the evening once they knew we had the corn they wanted.

At one point we had 14 deer on one side of the RV and that many on the other side. What a thrill.

Jack and Keith took charge of building the fire for Wed. nights' happy hour.... Planned by Diane, THE QUEEN OF HAPPY HOURS:)

And...here she is...THE QUEEN OF HAPPY HOURS...DIANE!

Jim is Diane's brother...and here he is with his wife, Marlene. We met these 4 in Hershey last Aug. when they showed up at the pickleball courts and started to play:) We've ALL come a long way with the game and it was so much fun to play with them everyday.

Sat. night Marlene and Jim planned a pre Easter dinner of Ham and Turkey. Everyone else made food and here we are...enjoying the GREAT MEAL..

Easter morning DIANE and Jack planned a brunch. She made french toast and egg casserole. Jim and Marlene provided the mimosas among other things. Everyone brought items to compliment the meal. There was so much food...and it was so good.

The syrup that Marlene is putting on the french toast came from Canada...mmmmmm

New pickleball friends, Jo and Sharon, and full timers for ? years. They are world travelers and so very interesting to be with.

Diane and her mother, Laura (Mickie) who will have her 90th birthday this year. What a great lady. She flew into San Antonio to spend a few weeks traveling with Jack and Diane who are full timers also.

This is Butch who comes from Douglassville Pa...but is now full timing it with his wife Bev. She was not feeling well so I didn't get her photo:(

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