Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sat. Dec. 18th 2010

It was a GOOD day! Got a call from Keith at 8:30 a.m. He was eating/drinking a liquid breakfast! Told me he had a good nights' sleep too! He's now walking around (slowly) holding on to that "pole" without the watchful eye of the nurses. They took his catheter out and all is well there. His one nurse told him the first time he burped or farted she would do a funny dance. I guess it's a BIG DEAL when you burp and fart! Last night it happened and she did her dance:)
After the epidural wore off yest...they put in a morph drip, which he is using when he needs it.
All in all I think Keith's doing everything they're asking. It'll be interesting to see what the doctor has to say tomorrow morning when he checks on Keith....
It's hard to believe it's only been 2 days since he was in that operating me it feels like longer than that.
Just one more week til Christmas! I'm sure Keith will be home with me and we'll be glad to have this part behind us.

1 comment:

Mark and Chris said...

Well done you two!! Wishing you both a very merry Christmas.