Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sunday Dec. 26, 2010 - The STORM IS COMING!!

Keith is doing good...the visiting nurse is to come today...and I hope she comes this morning. The storm that we all thought was going to miss COMING any time now. We're to get 6 to 10 inches...the first snow of the year. I got up early and drove up to feed Brad and Vivien's cats...and I filled the car with fuel...$3.03 a gal.
When I arrived home I backed both cars under the car port and moved all the furniture on the new porch as close to the house wall as I could. I filled the bird feeders too. We have plenty of food and Keith is we'll be staying put...until tomorrow when we have to be at the hosp. at 1 p.m. for Keith's appt. IF it blows and drifts like they say (20-40 mph winds) ..Keith is going to ask Steve to take us to the hosp.

We didn't have Christmas with Steve, Di and John yest... Steve and Di weren't feeling well.. We felt it best to wait til they DO feel better. We were glad that they could just stay home and let John play with all his toys...oh to be 2 1/2!!! He was having a ball!

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